Election 2016. Don’t Forget to Vote!

Election 2016. Don’t Forget to Vote!

To learn more about the candidates and their stances on cannabis + other cannabis issues involving politics, the government and education, listen in on the Political Episode from CannaPod Weekly. For a list of all the states with cannabis-related measures on the...


While we have included several travel hacks and travel tips in this blog for you today, the number one travel tip we found was when to buy the cheapest plane tickets. Save big on airfare so you can splurge for a luxury retreat at your final destination!    ...
How Women Can Reduce Our Risk of Developing Cancer

How Women Can Reduce Our Risk of Developing Cancer

If you have ever had a loved one suffer from cancer, you know how difficult it is to live with and recover from this disease. Unfortunately, cancer will claim the lives of over 250,000 American women this year. The most common form is breast cancer – 12% of...